I haven't posted in awhile and the kids are all napping so i thought i'd give an update for all those that care! Of course not much is really going on so it may end up being a very boring update! :o)
The kids are all doing very well, continuing to grow like weeds even though they never actually got my permission to do that! Konner absolutely can't wait to go to school this fall, he talks about it to anyone who'll listen! I still can't believe he's old enough for school. I try to picture myself as the mother of a kindergärtner and it just seems so weird! Since I was home schooled most of my life I really have no idea what all parent's do. I keep thinking i'm going to go in there and be the most inexperienced mother the teacher's have ever seen! :o) But i'm sure everything will be ok, at the very least we'll figure it out as we go and i'll be more prepared for when Lexi goes next year! It will be very different around here with him gone all day though. I'm not sure how the girls will get used to it. I'm already planning on crying quite a bit the first few weeks at least! My sweet little boy is growing up! *sigh*
Lexi...ahh my Lexi! She is quite a handful honestly. I love her to death but that girl is drama! :o) I keep thinking that I couldn't have been that dramatic as a child but i've been told by my mom and sister that in fact I was. She makes me laugh so often with her dramatics, everything is the end of the world with her. When she has to clean up her toys it's just so hard. When she has to try to go potty it just never works. When she has to wait to eat she's starving to death. Everything is very dramatic! But I guess that's life with a little girl, or at least life with her for sure! Oh and yes, we're still potty training. She's 3 1/2 and still isn't trained. I know, i'm a bad mom! :o) Now it's not for lack of trying believe me!! We've done everything you can think of with her! Rewards when she goes, spankings when she doesn't. Keeping her in panties, keeping her in pull-ups. You name it we've tried it over the last 8 months or so! We're getting close though I think. If I put her in panties and remind her about every 30-45 minuets she can stay dry. So far she's not remembering to go by herself but that's ok, any progress at this point is awesome! :o)
Logyn is still my goofy girl! She spends the day discovering all the new little wonders around the house. It's hard to believe she's already 1 1/2. Just doesn't seem like it was that long ago she was born. Colby and I realized that in a very short time we'll be out of diapers and the baby stage for good. It's weird knowing that we aren't going to have anymore kids, no more babies around here learning how to roll over for the first time, or crawl or take their first step. As sad and hard as it is to believe this phase in my life is ending, i'm very excited to reach the next phase. I know babies. I know toddlers. Now i'm about to learn grade schoolers! Crazy! All of life seems to be different phases and the older I get the faster those phases go. I know i'm only 24 and really not very old at all but life already seems to just be flying by me! It's so hard to remember to take each experience, each day, each new thing and hold on to it. It won't be here long.
Anyways, that's just a quick update on the kids. Colby and I are about the same, nothing much changes with us. :o) Although we are doing some spring cleaning around here. We have way to much stuff in this tiny little house and i'm so tired of being cramped. Of course when you have 5 people living in a 2 bedroom things are gonna be a little tight. We moved Logyn in the kids room last week so now all 3 kids are in the same room and Colby and I finally have our room back which is just awesome! It makes for an interesting nap time for sure but other than that it's going great. I finally went though all the kids toys and stuffed animals-and let me tell you there were a LOT-yesterday and got about 5 bags total to get rid of. Thank goodness! Now their room with be much easier to clean and less cluttered for playing in. Now I just have to deal with bags in my living room until we have our garage sale in 2 weeks. After that the house should be nice and clutter free...at least that's my goal. :o) I was going to post before and after pics but I totally forgot to take the before pics. I may just post the afters anyways, we'll just have to see.
Well since the kids are still sleeping I guess i'm gonna go get some more work dome around here. It just never seems to end! :o)