Monday, January 26, 2009

Logyn Audrey...

Last Monday at 11:06am Colby and I welcomed our beautiful little girl into this world. She's now been here for 1 week and I can't imagine our family without her! Gosh how to even begin....

Last Sunday I stayed home from church because it was my due date and I was just feeling tired and kinda run down. I ended up having contractions off and on all day but that really wasn't a big deal because i'd been having contractions for weeks. So we went all day with nothing happening and I was honestly a little disappointed, I was really ready to meet the little person that had been living inside me and also find out if we were having a boy or girl. Anyways that night after we put the kids to bed I got the urge to scrub my living room at 9:30 at night I was on my hands and knees with a bucket of cleaner scrubbing my floor! :o) Nothing like the pregnancy urges! haha!

So finally Colby and I went to bed around 10:30ish and I figured i'd have another long day ahead of me. Well at 3:30am I woke up with a contraction, again I didn't think much of it because i'd been having them for weeks so I just tried to go back to sleep. Then 9 minuets later I had another one...and 9 minuets after that I had another one. SO finally I got out of bed and on the computer and then I started having a contraction every 7 minuets. After about 6-7 contractions I woke Colby up and told him that we just might be about to have this baby!! Then he suggested that I get up and walk around and see if that didn't increase my contractions...he was right! As soon as I got up my contractions went from 7 minuets apart to 4 minuets apart and then to 2 minuets apart! So after about 30 minuets of that I called my mom and asked her to come stay with the kids because we had to go to the hospital!

Well she got to our house about 6:30ish and Colby and I finally got out of the house about 7:00. I was so worried that we were going to get to the hospital and they were going to tell us that it was just a false alarm and send us home. But thankfully that wasn't the case, when I got there I was dilated to a 5! I was so excited that it was finally time! So I called my friend Chelsea, we had decided that she was going to be in the room with us when we had the baby, and we called our family and let them know that we were actually going to have this baby.

Chelsea got to the hospital about 9:00 and her and Colby and I just kinda hung out in the room for awhile. My contractions were still 2-4 minuets apart and staying pretty steady so in between contractions we would all just talk and laugh and pretty much just hang out. :o) Then about 10:30 I asked the nurse to come check me because I was starting to feel pressure-which is a huge sign that things are moving along-so she did and I was dilated to an 8! So she left to go call my doctor, because he was still at his office, and to start getting everything ready. Well about 15 minuets later my contractions got STRONG and I started needing to push. Colby had Chelsea page the nurse and she came in and instantly called for some help because I was having this baby! So all these nurses came rushing in and a doctor who's name I still don't know and they started telling me to not push! YEAH RIGHT! :o) For about 15-20 minuets I think, I pushed and screamed-it hurt really bad!-and then finally at 11:06 Logyn was born! She was very healthy and super chunky and started crying right away.

I'm still amazed that it's all over honestly! I thought and prayed and planned for that moment for months and suddenly it was there and now it's gone. I was so blessed because I was actually able to go drug free, I had prayed about that and planned for that for a long time but honestly didn't think i'd be able to do it when it came right down to it. But God was awesome and helped me through it. Plus having Colby and Chelsea in there was a HUGE help! I've told him several times that I couldn't have done it without them in there talking me through it and encouraging me through each contraction. All in all the whole experience was amazing and I really can't imagine it going better.

Now we've all been home for almost a week and we're starting to get into a routine-slowly but surly!! The kids adore Logyn and couldn't be better with her, although Konner does love to pinch her cheeks which I guess I can't blame him...they are super chunky!! Anyways I just wanted to take a minuet and share my 3rd and final birthing experience because it was a pretty amazing thing!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

11 Days!!!

Well it looks like we're in the final stretch of this pregnancy, I only have 11 days till my due date!! I so can't believe it's already here and we're actually about to meet this little one. I don't know why but it really feels like I should have another couple months before i'm due. I think it might be because the first half of my pregnancy I didn't feel pregnant at all, in fact until I started feeling the baby move I worried that I wasn't really pregnant. I kept getting scared when we'd go to my doctor's apt that there wouldn't end up being a heartbeat...I had no real reason for my fear-then again that's the case with a lot of fear-but it was there just the same. Then once I was able to start feeling movement that was the only pregnancy "feeling" I had really. Everyone would ask how I was feeling and if I was doing ok and i'd kinda laughingly say "Yeah I feel great, I don't hardly even feel pregnant." So i'm guessing that's why it doesn't feel like it should be over yet.

With both Konner and Lexi I felt pregnant very early on, especially with Konner. I guess since he was my first I was able to pick up on the changes I was going through more. I actually found out with him when I was only 3 weeks! It did make for a long pregnancy the time it was over I felt like i'd been pregnant for forever!! haha! So I am glad that this one hasn't been like that, that's been very nice.

Konner is SOO ready for the baby to get here though, poor guy he does feel like i've been pregnant forever. He's been asking about baby Logan for months and we kept saying that a little while after Christmas the baby would be here but now Christmas has been over and the baby's still not here! He's going a little crazy with the whole waiting thing I think. :o)

I starting nesting REALLY bad this last Friday so that was fun. Colby was going out of town so I needed to iron his clothes but I couldn't find the when I went to look in the closet with the ironing board I got this sudden burst of energy and ended up cleaning out the whole closet-I did find the starch though! Then I moved on to the other hall closet, then cleaned out the kids room-got rid of 2 big trash bags of toys!! They now each have 1 toy box and then a few other things that don't go in their toy boxes. I did all this plus my normal house work of 2 loads of laundry, vacuuming, sweeping and mopping, plus other odds and ends throughout the day all on Friday. Then on Saturday Colby and I deep cleaned our room, I cleaned out my closet-got rid of a huge bag of clothes and even a bag of shoes! Things had gotten super crazy in our room so it needing cleaning pretty bad, I don't know why our room is always the last one to get my attention. Plus we got everything all set up for the baby since he/she'll be in our room for awhile, nothing like waiting till the last minuet to get these things done!!

So now my house has had a good deep cleaning and it feels wonderful! I think I worked harder those 2 days than i've worked in a long time. I still have no idea where all the energy came from but it did give Colby a good laugh...and my mom, and my sister! haha! At least i'm good for a laugh as well as getting things cleaned! :o)It's awesome though, yesterday I did a total of maybe an hours worth of cleaning all through out the day and yet things still looked great! I love having the house that clean. I'm trying to keep things so that once the baby comes it won't be hard to keep things in order and so far I think i've gotten it pretty well covered. We got rid of so much clutter-it's amazing how much junk you can gather if you let yourself!!

Colby left on Sunday for his photography conference and thank goodness he comes home tonight!!! It's crazy how much the kids and I depend on him for our sanity!! haha! I think what i've missed the most since he's been gone has been our evenings. We always put the kids to bed around 9 and then we stay up till 10 or 11ish just talking or watching tv and just having our time together. The kids of course are missing him like crazy too! They haven't seen him since Saturday night, we had them stay with some friends since we had to be at the airport at 6ish on Sunday. They would not have been pleasant that early in the morning!!! haha!

Of course we made the mistake of telling Konner that baby Logan would come soon after daddy got home, so now he thinks that as soon as daddy gets home it's time for baby Logan to come! :o) Poor guy is never going to believe anything we say again!! haha! I'm just so thankful that the baby hasn't come while Colby was gone, that was something that we've been praying about since he signed up for this conference back in October!

I do see my doctor tomorrow so we'll see if i'm getting close to actually having this baby sometime soon. Last week i'd started dilating so with all my cleaning i'm curious to know if i've gotten any further. Most likely this little one will stay nice and snug for awhile but i'm hoping not too long...i'm getting just as anxious as Konner!! :o)

Ok now i've rambled on and on and I still have work to do around here so I guess i'd better stop for now. I don't know if i'll have a chance to blog again before the baby comes. I guess we'll just have to see how long that'll my next one may be telling all about meeting this little one!!! :o)