Today is Monday. Normally I hate Mondays. The weekend is over and it's time to get back to the normal routine. Time to clean up the house after having taken some time off over the weekend. All in all, I just don't like Mondays. But, today has not been just any Monday. Today was a special Monday! Today I got to go eat lunch with Konner at school! His school is awesome about allowing parents and grandparents to come up for lunch or just during the day at any time to visit. So far I hadn't had the opportunity to go yet, it's kinda hard finding something to do with the girls while i'm gone for about an hour. But my mom offered to come watch the girls for me today so I could go up there with him.
I stopped and got him lunch which was really special because he normally eats the school lunches. But of course that made me run a few minuets late. *eye roll at myself for not leaving with more time!* I got there about 2 minuets late and the poor guy was already worried I wasn't coming! It broke my heart! I very rarely am not able to follow through on something I tell the kids i'm doing so i'm not sure why he thought I wouldn't be there. But the relief on his face when I walked in just about made me cry! *Yes, I am a very emotional person! :o)* So we sat down with several of his friends and had a great time eating and talking about his day. Of course the kids quickly moved on to talking about God vs. Incredible Hulk since they all said they had learned absolutely nothing all day! :o)
Then we went outside for recess and he showed me all around. We did the hula-hoops, basket ball, races and then just all the other little stuff they have. There were a bunch of kids out there and he was obviously friends with a lot of them. They all came up and asked who I was and talked to us and followed us around. It was so cute!
While I was watching him run around the play yard, race with his friends, and do all the other things he did, all I could think was "Take a mental picture!" I know it sounds silly to make such a big deal out of watching my son at recess but to me, it was huge. I know that the days of him being my five year old little boy are almost gone. The days of him turning to smile at me and make sure I see every basket he makes, they won't last forever. There will come a day when one of his friends asks who I am and he doesn't answer with such pride! haha I'm sure 10 years from now, my coming up to eat lunch with him won't be something he looks forward to for days. I want to do everything I can to hold on to these times. I want to remember every smile, every look, every single "That's my mommy!" because once again i'm reminded that these times go by all too soon.
There's an old saying, "A daughter's a daughter for life. A son is a son until he takes a wife." I remember looking at Konner just moments after he was born and I was reminded of that saying. One of my first thoughts was "18 years. I only have you all to myself for 18 years." That 18 has now moved to 13. All too soon it will be 12, and before I know it those 18 years will be gone.
So while my making a big deal out of something like going up to eat lunch with him might seem silly to some, to me, i'm simply making the most out of every single opportunity. Because I know that very very soon, these opportunities will be gone. But for now, my little boy still loves to be my little boy. So i'll take advantage of every single moment that I can and store up as many mental pictures as possible!